
Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Around the World reading - Poetry (1)

Around the World reading
Tittle: Be More Like Sputnik Monroe

My rating: 8/10

Author: W. Todd Kaneko

The poem itself i think is trying to say be more like your role model. It's about a man's father who passed away and left him a trove of video tapes. The video tapes were of Sputnik Monroe and his mother, who had left them for parts unknown. The tapes were his parents life story of wrestling and bad crimes. His mother once pulled up a fight in a truck stop and stabbed a man with her middle finger, then moved away and left it for her husband to fight him.

Facts: Sputnik Monroe is a famous american wrestler who had passed away in 2006. He was a headliner in many territories, and was best known in Memphis, Tennessee.

If you want to read the poem yourself, click on this Link

Image result for Sputnik Monroe

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